New-media num museu? – Parte IV

Quando há uns tempos atrás tomei contacto com alguns projectos museológicos ou de desenvolvimento de conceitos e conteudos multimedia com aplicação museológica, e esgravatei os conceitos e teorias subjacentes, fui ficando surpreendido com a profundidade do que estava a ser feito.

Não tenho qualquer pretensão a especialista em muito destes campos. Acho que poucos podemos ter em Portugal. Deixo aqui alguns projectos, para quem quiser explorar com mais profundidade alguns dos conceitos.

Interactive Multimedia Group
Louvre DNP – Museum Lab
Natural Interactions e IO Agency

People naturally communicate through gestures, expressions, movements. Research work in Natural Interaction is to invent and create systems that understand these actions and engage people in a dialogue, while allowing them to interact naturally with each other and the environment. People don’t need to wear any device or learn any instruction, interaction is intuitive. Natural Interfaces follow new paradigms in order to respect human perception. Interaction with such systems is easy and seductive for everyone.

Bill Buxton

 Bill Buxton is a relentless advocate for innovation, design, and – especially – the appropriate consideration of human values, capacity, and culture in the conception, implementation, and use of new products and technologies.

Museum Interactive Multimedia

Um repositório de documentação com alguns trabalhos muito interessantes.

Interactive Multimedia Technology

Um blog dedicado a interactive multimedia.
This blog focuses on how interactive technology can support collaboration, communication, and engaged learning. It also touches on ways technology can support intervention & prevention efforts in health, mental health, and related fields. You’ll find information about interactive touch screen applications, HCI, universal usability and accessibility, Universal Design for Learning, serious games, and innovations. Enter a term or phrase in the search box to find something that interests you!

Uma série de artigos:

New-media num museu? – Parte I
New-media num museu? – Parte II
New-media num museu? – Parte III
New-media num museu? – Parte IV
New Media num museu? – Parte V

3 opiniões sobre “New-media num museu? – Parte IV

  1. Obrigado, este post foi muito útil. E toca em algumas feridas visíveis por qualquer pessoa.


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